United States House of Representatives

Sector | Federal
Service | Learning Solutions

The Challenge

The House needed a curriculum to formalize and expand existing financial management training for current and new staff. This curriculum, which was delivered via web-based trainings (WBTs) and instructor-led trainings (ILTs), created a solid knowledge base and foundation so financial management staff could be good stewards of taxpayer dollars. Going forward, they also wanted financial management staff working in the Members’ Washington D.C. and district offices to be able to quickly reference and refresh their knowledge of House rules, regulations, policies, and processes, whenever they need a little reminder.

The Solution

The House hired FMP to evaluate existing training materials, identify gaps and areas of improvement, and, ultimately, design a new curriculum and a series of job aids, tip sheets, and resources that are course and topic specific. To get it right, we met with both senior leaders and financial staff, using a combination of focus groups and interviews. We incorporated their feedback and designed and developed the curriculum. Once complete, we conducted train-the-trainer sessions with facilitators to orient them to the content and effective instructional strategies prior to launch.

The Result

Ultimately, the curriculum included 6 WBTs and 3 ILTs (offered on a monthly basis) and dozens of resources and job aids. After a seamless roll-out and knowledge transfer process, House staffers now have increased their knowledge of financial management and have the resources to stay on top of their game.

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