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Deliver More Value to Your Learning Organization with these Cost-cutting Tips

According to Training Magazine’s 2015 Training Industry Report, business spending on training is at a six-year high coming in at a whopping $70.6 BILLION for 2015. Sounds like great news for training professionals, right? Unfortunately, the other revealing finding is that the amount spent on full-time staff is down to a four-year low. What does…


Learning through Storytelling – Your Most Powerful Teaching Tool

If a learner attends a workshop, and he doesn’t remember a single thing from it, was it worth the time? Anyone, learning professional or otherwise, would likely shout a resounding NO WAY! Learning new information and using it to do something on the job is the essence of workplace learning. So how do we make…


5 Ways to Spark Creativity at Work

1. Take a Mental Break It can be difficult to be creative when you’re feeling burned out. Taking a mental break before tackling complex tasks can actually help boost creativity. Read a book or grab some coffee; it’s up to you! 2. Visualize It Next time you need your team to do some creative problem-solving,…


Got Learning Strategy?

Want to move from a reactive to a proactive position for your organization’s learning needs?  Ready to create a learning strategy that is lockstep with your organization’s mission, but not quite sure how to start? Join FMP’s own Stacy Cook and Evangeline Harris this Tuesday night (7/26) at NOVA SHRM’s July Chapter Meeting as they…