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Building our Capabilities

For as long as I’ve been at FMP (and it is too long to comfortably share), we’ve invested in and focused on growing and enhancing our services and capabilities. Not only is this a reflection of the learning organization we are, where our employees are life-long learners and actively seek out development opportunities, but we…


2021 Summer Intern Spotlight

One of our favorite times of the year at FMP is when we hire new interns to join us for the summer! This year, we have three wonderful Human Capital Interns: Denis Leahy, Kaitlin Murphy, and Sean Chin. Read on to learn about them and what they’ve been working on since they have joined! TELL…


A Competency-Based Approach to Workforce Recovery: Help for Job Seekers

Of the many challenges presented by the pandemic, one is economic. The US economic landscape has changed sharply. Some industries, like hospitality and travel, have been adversely impacted, while other industries like cybersecurity and e-commerce are surging.[1] This 2-part blog will describe how job seekers and organizations can capitalize on a tumultuous job market by…


AI and Unconscious Bias

Every month we dive into what we are all so passionate about here at FMP: human capital management. This month we are so excited to continue to learn about the fascinating topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and unconscious bias from one of our partners, Deb Cohen. We recently asked Deb a few questions about the…


How to Grow High Potentials

To finish off our conversations on high potentials, we wanted to cover how an organization can grow high potentials within their existing staff. Good news, there has been a recent shift with organizations spending more of their training budget on executive and supervisory level leadership, and employees are eager to learn more and develop in…


Identifying and Developing Talent within Succession Planning

This month we’ve been talking about high potentials- identifying, developing, and keeping them. Any discussion of high potentials naturally takes the conversation to succession planning- which is the process of developing the next generation of organizational leadership. Our very own I/Oers, Dr. Marni Falcone and Mike Camburn, were featured in a webinar by the Society…


Common and Best Practices in Identifying HiPos

High potential employees, often abbreviated as HiPos, are those who are in the top 3-5% of the organization workforce, perform better than their peers, exhibit the organizational values, and show potential to become successful leaders. While it makes sense for companies to find their HiPos in their high performers, not all high performers are HiPos….


‘The Saddest Thing in Life is Wasted Talent’

This month we’re talking about talent, or more specifically high potential talent, as we focus on the truism ‘the saddest thing in life is wasted talent’. There are many sad things in life, but in the context of organizational management, wasting a resource as precious as potential talent feels particularly careless. First, let’s step back…