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Client Conflict: Managing and Moving Forward

Conflict, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways…this month we’ve covered many facets of the topic, from positive conflict to strategies for overcoming conflict. So Houston, what happens when the problem is a conflict with a client or customer? You might shudder at the thought of having conflict with the clients you serve. These individuals…


Leveraging Positive Conflict in the Workplace

I think it is safe to say that just mentioning the word “conflict” can be anxiety inducing. Conflict usually does not feel good even though, as mentioned in our introductory blog post about conflict, it is technically a neutral term. So why is conflict so universally feared? And how can we expand our understanding of conflict…


Dropping the Mic on Conflict!

Ah yes, the holidays are among us, which means it’s time for fun, friends, food, and family – yep, an opportunity to spend quality time catching up with aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, brothers, and sisters that you may not often see. Time with family members can certainly be a festive and long-awaited occasion to enjoy…


‘Houston, we have a problem’ and we don’t mean baseball

When we planned this month’s theme to focus on conflict with the truism ‘Houston, we have a problem’ we never imagined that we’d be in the midst of a Washington Nationals (our hometown team) and Houston Astros World Series where every sports, radio, and TV newsperson was throwing that line around. We sought to reference…