OPM HR Solutions

Sector | Federal
Service | Human Resources Solutions

The Challenge 

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Human Resources Solutions (HRS) was tasked with providing the Federal Staffing Center (FSC) and its customers with guidance on how to operate more efficiently as a business. This required OPM HRS to develop implementable strategies backed by statistics and they needed an experienced partner to help. 


The Solution 

OPM HRS partnered with FMP and in this partnership, we provided program management, business analysis, data analysis and visualization, data science, user-centered design, and communications and change management consulting services to FSC and its customers. The primary focus of our services was project management (PMO) consulting and change management support as we instilled an improved management and oversight structure at FSC. This new structure enforced consistency and compliance across service delivery teams while allowing those teams to manage and evolve their service offerings. We also facilitated FSC’s strategic planning process to ensure that the mission of FSC aligns with their strategic initiatives. Finally, FMP assisted FSC’s USA staffing team in effectively communicating the organization’s ongoing changes internally and externally. 


The Result 

FSC’s organizational effectiveness has notably improved as employees and stakeholders alike have embraced the changes. We continue to work with OPM HRS on several concurrent call orders, providing direct support to OPM leaders and across FSC’s four main talent acquisition programs; Staff Acquisition Group, USAJOBS, USA Hire, and USA Staffing. 

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