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Using Agile to Lead Artificial Intelligence Change

We are at the dawn of a new era in digital transformation – also called the 4th industrial revolution. McKinsey Global Institute estimated that an additional $13 trillion could be added to global GDP by 2030 from today through digitization, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI), as these technologies continue to create major new opportunities and…


Leading Others Through Change

In Part 1 of our change blog, we walked through how individuals react to and deal with change and provided techniques for recognizing resistance to change in yourself and others. Now that you’ve reflected on how change is internalized, we are going to dive into creating a workplace culture and environment for positive change. Supervisors…


Reacting to Change and Resistance

The current pandemic has required us all to change how we do work. Whether you are working virtually from home or going into an office wearing a mask and keeping a safe distance from your coworkers, the change has been significant. Change is inevitable and oftentimes met with resistance. Being aware of how you and…