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Capital Coaching Conference

We’re excited to share that FMP Managing Consultant Lesley Perkins will be presenting a session at the 2022 Capital Coaches Conference September 22-23! She will be facilitating a session entitled “The Coach as Mentor: How to Create an Effective Mentor Coaching Experience” with Joelle LaGuerre. They are excited to contribute to the conversation about Coaching:…


Employee Spotlight: James Wilcox

Today, we’re excited to spotlight James Wilcox, a Senior Consultant who has been with FMP for three and a half years. James has a background in I-O psychology and came to FMP with experience in both the federal and private sectors. James grew up in Orlando, Florida, spent several years in the DMV area, and…


Communication is Key: Tips for Leading Your Organization Through Digital Transformation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption is exploding across every sector of our economy and has undoubtedly become an essential engine in the future of work that cannot be ignored. To stay competitive, organizations must embrace automation and make bold moves toward digital transformation. This unprecedented environment calls for a new caliber of organizational change leadership. How…


Systems Don’t Make Change. People Do.  

Meet Bob.  Bob wanted to deploy a new project management system at his company. He conducted research to select a decent product, hired a vendor to help with implementation, developed a project rollout plan, and met every milestone.   On paper, his plan was a success, but a few weeks post-rollout, most of his employees were…


Employee Spotlight: Natalie Johnson

Hello everyone, I am excited to introduce Natalie Johnson for this Employee Spotlight! Natalie recently joined FMP as a Strategic Human Capital Consultant, supporting our work with NLM and CFPB. My Background Originally, I was born and raised in Monmouth County, New Jersey, which is right by the beach! I attended The College of New…


Moving Beyond Onboarding: FMP’s New Employees Reflect on Client Excellence 

FMP puts a lot of thought and care into onboarding and socializing new employees. Upon arrival, new hires are provided with a custom, six-month plan for bringing them into the fold. This plan includes an assigned onboarding buddy, orientations led by the company’s owners, and scheduled check-ins with our human resource team, culminating in a…


2022 Intern Spotlight

There’s always a lot to get excited about in the summer, from warm weather to vacations to new FMP interns! FMP is excited to have four new interns this summer: Chi-Leigh Warren, Brian Kennerly, Ian Hamilton, and Ayat Tamimi. Keep reading to learn more about each of these great people! Tell us about your professional/educational…


Sustainability in the Workplace: Lessons from FMP

The FMP Sustainability Committee is continuing our 4-part series on the topic of workplace sustainability! We started off the series by exploring what workplace sustainability is, why it matters, and offered several small steps that we can try ourselves. In this blog, we dive deeper into some of the processes and practices that FMP is…


Making the Most of Your Time Off: Tips and Tricks so You Don’t Need a Vacation from Your Vacation

As the weather warms up and we creep into summer, employees everywhere are preparing for their summer vacations. It has been predicted that the 2022 summer travel season will be historically busy, as pandemic restrictions continue to loosen and employees look forward to taking previously planned trips that had been cancelled or delayed1. Most trips…


Pride: An Intersectional Perspective

What comes to mind when you think of gay pride? Is it the United States Supreme Court’s legalization of gay marriage in 2015, or the legions of parades and the rainbow flag? Dr. Amena Johnson, the Associate Director of LGBTQIA+ Resources at Georgetown University and the Founder of The Back Woman Aesthetic, offers a unique…