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Flashback February: A Journey to the ’90s

As you may have read in our last blog, this year marks FMP’s 30th anniversary. In preparation of celebrating this great milestone, we’re spending some time reflecting on the past. Before we had our open-layout office (which we miss dearly) and a growing workforce of 70+ employees, we were a small consulting firm of just…


The Importance of Celebrating Company Anniversaries — Kicking Off FMP’s 30th Birthday

As we begin the new year—especially this new year—we are looking forward to many things. A particularly exciting event here at FMP is our approaching 30th anniversary on March 4th. As the date nears, we’re reflecting on the importance of celebrating an anniversary, and what all that entails. Anniversaries are more than opportunities to recognize…


Internal Training and Learning Initiatives: Why They Matter

Every month at FMP we share our thoughts on the latest workplace trends and explore the effects they have on employees. As a more recent hire, I have been astounded by the efforts that FMP makes to create a positive employee experience. One of the most notable and unique ways that FMP does this is…


Cultivating Culture: 3 Tips for Managing a Successful Remote Workforce

Over the past month, we have explored the truism ‘when in Rome…’ by examining critical aspects of organizational culture. As discussed in a previous post, “Recognizing and Adapting to Organizational Culture,” the culture of any organization is impacted by a set of intentional actions, as well as unintentional norms and behaviors of its employees. As…


Successful Mergers and Acquisitions: Focus on Culture, Not Bottom Lines

Throughout this month, we’ve focused on topics stemming from the truism ‘When in Rome’. In Jessica Milloy’s blog introducing us to the phrase, our Chief Operating Officer describes its widespread interpretation as “you should adapt to the environment in which you find yourself”. But what happens when Rome isn’t where your employees want to find themselves? (And…


Quick Question: Are you actively managing your company’s culture?

As discussed in our first blog this month (“When in Rome”—Recognizing and Adapting to Organizational Culture), an organization’s culture is “a living, breathing, evolving aspect of an organization that differentiates it from other, otherwise similar organizations.” The culture of any organization is impacted by a set of intentional actions as well as the unintentional norms…


Fitting in Like a Puzzle Piece: FMP’s Culture from the Perspective of New Hires

In last week’s blog, we introduced the truism “when in Rome…”, which suggests being flexible and adapting yourself to the customs and values of the people around you. Building off of that discussion, I wanted to explore culture from the perspective of new hires- using my recent experience and that of two other new FMPers. While…


“When in Rome”- Recognizing and Adapting to Organizational Culture

This month we’re exploring the truism ‘when in Rome…’ which is generally taken to mean that you should adapt to the environment in which you find yourself, whether traveling or just in unfamiliar territory. It also implies that you should suspend typical opinions or concerns (to a point- no one would argue that it’s a…