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Emotional Intelligence: More than a Personal Relationship Skill

As we introduced last week, emotional intelligence, or EI, is based on the recognition and regulation of your own emotions as well as those of others. While at first glance this concept may seem to mostly apply to our personal lives, EI is actually extremely relevant in our professional lives. EI is a foundational ability…


EQ over IQ: Addressing the Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Ever wonder what the valedictorian of your high school is up to? Or the classmate who scored the highest on his or her SATs – if the two weren’t one in the same! Chances are they are successfully skyrocketing through their careers at reputable organizations all over, as one could easily say was expected due…


Leveraging Generational Diversity at Work

As we wind down this month’s focus on diversity and inclusion, we had one more conversation to share about diversity in the workplace- a point of view on generational differences that highlights the true differences, as well as the powerful commonalities between the four different generations currently at work together.  Have you ever heard, or…


The Growing Trend of AI: Sitting Down with Patricia Grabarek

This week we have a special treat for you all, as FMP was able to interview the brilliant Patricia Grabarek on how the ever-growing trend to utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) based selection tools impacts Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) outcomes! Patricia is a former FMPer and presented research at this year’s SIOP conference that was held…


Tried and True Strategies for Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Building on our monthly truism “Great Minds Don’t Always Think Alike,” this week we delve into the “How” of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) to examine how organizations can move the needle on both workforce diversity and workplace inclusivity.  While there is no one-size fits all approach, there are some tried and true strategies organizations can use…


Moving at the Speed of Change

In a field that’s evolving as rapidly as Diversity & Inclusion is, many organizations are finding that it’s one thing to commit to prioritizing D&I and another entirely to know howto do that. Of course, there are by this point countless resources available to guide D&I teams and HR departments through different initiatives, analyses, programs, and…


Great Minds Don’t Always Think Alike- The Case for Diversity and Inclusion

Although it’s easy to feel like Diversity and Inclusion, or D&I, are the buzzwords of the moment, the principles beneath them actually signify a fundamental shift in how organizations build and maintain relationships with their workforce. Making space and time to focus on D&I yields lasting, tangible results for your leaders, your employees, and your…


Cultivating Culture: 3 Tips for Managing a Successful Remote Workforce

Over the past month, we have explored the truism ‘when in Rome…’ by examining critical aspects of organizational culture. As discussed in a previous post, “Recognizing and Adapting to Organizational Culture,” the culture of any organization is impacted by a set of intentional actions, as well as unintentional norms and behaviors of its employees. As…


Successful Mergers and Acquisitions: Focus on Culture, Not Bottom Lines

Throughout this month, we’ve focused on topics stemming from the truism ‘When in Rome’. In Jessica Milloy’s blog introducing us to the phrase, our Chief Operating Officer describes its widespread interpretation as “you should adapt to the environment in which you find yourself”. But what happens when Rome isn’t where your employees want to find themselves? (And…


Quick Question: Are you actively managing your company’s culture?

As discussed in our first blog this month (“When in Rome”—Recognizing and Adapting to Organizational Culture), an organization’s culture is “a living, breathing, evolving aspect of an organization that differentiates it from other, otherwise similar organizations.” The culture of any organization is impacted by a set of intentional actions as well as the unintentional norms…