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Employee Spotlight: Ian Hamilton 

Throughout February and March, we’re showcasing one of FMP’s key capability areas: Strategic Communications. We kicked things off with a blog about navigating change in the workplace amidst uncertainty, and this week we’re spotlighting Ian Hamilton, a consultant and member of FMP’s Strategic Communications Community of Practice (Strat Comms CoP). Ian earned his bachelor’s degree…


Navigating Change in the Workplace Amidst Uncertainty 

In an earlier FMP blog, Systems Don’t Make Change, People Do, we discussed the importance of having a formalized, people-centric approach to managing change in the workplace. In this article, we explore strategies for how you can navigate change effectively during times of transition. In today’s fast-paced world, change is an inevitable part of the…


Communication is Key: Tips for Leading Your Organization Through Digital Transformation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) adoption is exploding across every sector of our economy and has undoubtedly become an essential engine in the future of work that cannot be ignored. To stay competitive, organizations must embrace automation and make bold moves toward digital transformation. This unprecedented environment calls for a new caliber of organizational change leadership. How…


Systems Don’t Make Change. People Do.  

Meet Bob.  Bob wanted to deploy a new project management system at his company. He conducted research to select a decent product, hired a vendor to help with implementation, developed a project rollout plan, and met every milestone.   On paper, his plan was a success, but a few weeks post-rollout, most of his employees were…


Navigating Workplace Transformation: Strategies for Supporting Employees

When COVID first began and organizations shifted to telework, many employees and leaders likely assumed this would be temporary. Now, well over a year after COVID began, conversations regarding return to work have started. Despite these plans, we’re likely to see some continuation of remote work. In uncertain times, the focus of leadership should be…


FMP’s Capabilities in Response to COVID-19

For nearly 30 years, FMP has been a trusted partner to the Federal Government and at the forefront of strategic transformation initiatives that help agencies become more responsive, efficient, and effective. During this time of unprecedented change due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are ready and able to assist our nation’s federal agencies in achieving…


Change Management – More Than Words

In this post on change management and the President’s Management Agenda, I want to focus on the role that leaders play in bringing about important change. I am thinking of leaders broadly, including both the heads of agencies, as well as the supervisors of branches and divisions. I’m talking to anyone who is in some…


Change Management and the President’s Management Agenda (PMA)

In FMP’s most recent blog post, “Change Management-Getting Down to Basics,” our authors identified what change management is, why it is so hard, and why it is so important. FMPer, Lauren Wright, having spent 32 years in the Federal government and the last 18 years in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), has seen…


Relax, Refresh, Recharge-In a Great Pair of Shades

Wow, 2018 has been a busy year and June launched a stealth attack that seemed to come out of nowhere! As we quickly pivot from one school year to the next, celebrate graduations, or just adjust to longer days and more sunlight, we thought it might be a good time to take a breath, reflect…


Change Management – Getting Down to Basics

June has always been a month of change. School’s out and the kids are home. We’re trading in our umbrellas and rainboots for sandals and sunglasses. And, did you know that the moonstone (one of June’s three birthstones) actually represents change and new beginnings? So, what better way to kick off June than to talk…