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Employee Spotlight: Joseph Sahili

We wanted to pause our normal blog schedule this month and spend time introducing our readers to one of our consultants. Joseph Sahili started at FMP in March of this year, after moving all the way from Los Angeles to Arlington. While he’s still adjusting to the weather on the east coast, it took no…


The Consultant Life: On-site and Off-site Experiences

Each month of 2020, we’ll provide insight into what life is like as a consultant by discussing what skills and experiences make this career unique and interesting. As consultants, we aim to be flexible and adaptive to our client’s needs; sometimes, that means using a client’s worksite as a daily workspace instead of our own…


New Year, New Ideas!

Happy New Year! We’re excited to launch into a brand-new decade with new ideas for our blog content and a bright, shiny, new website– lots of new for 2020! For the last two years, our social media team has put together a calendar of content organized around different focus areas and topics that we think…


Picking the Right Training Delivery Method

A learning modality is a delivery method of information for learning. Many have cropped up over time as learning development and technology have advanced. Now we have several options to choose from which can cater to different needs and organization structures. What is right for one type of content is not necessarily great for another….