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FMP’s Senior VP, Carolyn Kurowksi, weighs in for Landscape Management’s “Incentive Insight” article

Recently, Landscape Management interviewed FMP Consulting’s Senior Vice President, Carolyn Kurowski. Ms. Kurowksi is an employee engagement expert and shares her expertise with public and private sector organizations. Below is an excerpt from the article, written by Dillon Stewart, displaying Ms. Kurowski’s thoughts. Incentive Insight August 25, 2017 –  By Dillon Stewart Profits and employee engagement can soar…


Lessons Learned from the SHRM Annual Conference

It was only one month ago that the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) kicked off its Annual Conference in New Orleans, LA. In our passion and zeal for the latest and greatest in the world of HR, members of the FMP team flew to New Orleans to attend. In addition to beignets and catching…


How Getting Out of the Office Could Encourage Employees to Stay Fit and Work Together

With summer right around the corner, there’s no better time to be active and get outside. At FMP Consulting, we’re always finding ways to encourage our employees to stay fit and work together as a team. Did you know we even have our own softball team (current record: 2-2)? In addition, each quarter we partner…


Breaking the Ice: How to Be Strategic Through the Hiring Freeze and Beyond

On January 23, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order that placed a hiring freeze on nonmilitary federal workers, and while there are a number of exceptions that will allow some agencies to hire new employees, much of the Federal Government may be unable to hire in the coming months. Even then, the anticipated budgets…


Designing Employee Recognition that Works

Rewarding and recognizing employees is not a novel idea. In fact, the use of rewards to shape behavior and performance has been documented for hundreds of years.[1] However, in the past 70 years, the purpose of employee rewards and recognition programs has transformed from a mechanism to control employees to a mechanism to motivate and…