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BIOP 2024: Highlights and Key Takeaways
February 22, 2024, marked the inaugural Blacks in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (BIOP) conference. Over 100 professionals, academics, and students converged in Atlanta, Georgia to celebrate and uplift the voices and experiences of people of color in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (I-O). The conference featured engaging discussions on topics such as mitigating…
SIOP 2023: Reflections from FMP
The annual SIOP (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology) conference has come to an end and we’ve gathered our team’s reflections on their experience and what they learned! Each year, the conference brings I-O psychologists from all around the country together to share knowledge and connect with individuals who are bringing about change and impact…
Lessons Learned from Early Career I/O Psychology Practitioners
Each month of 2020, we provide insight into what life is like as a consultant by discussing what skills and experiences make this career unique and interesting. As a consulting firm that specializes in providing evidence-based workforce and organizational management solutions, FMP Consulting attracts I/O Psychologists. I/O Psychology is the study of human behaviors in…