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Employee Spotlight: Zoe Nerantzis

Hello, everybody! I’m super excited to be joining the Employee Spotlight Team as a Co-Coordinator. Last Friday, we introduced Nique Rothrock and you’ll soon meet our other Co-Coordinator, Jacob Deaton! I’ll be using this edition of the Employee Spotlight as a chance to share a little bit about myself before we introduce you to the…


FMP’s Four Questions Podcast with Marni Falcone

To prepare for Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology’s (SIOP) annual conference, Lisa Prather chatted with Marni Falcone, FMP’s resident competency expert and assessment & selection guru. Check out FMP’s Four Questions Podcast to hear more about assessment & selection and get a sneak peek into Marni’s upcoming SIOP panel! Lisa Prather is a Strategic Communications, Marketing,…


Employee Spotlight: Sam Deschenes

For today’s New Hire Spotlight, we interviewed recent hire, Sam Deschenes. Sam is a Consultant with his M.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). Currently, Sam is working with clients with performance management, data analytics, and new technology integration. Outside of work, Sam enjoys being in nature, staying active, and working with…


Remote, but Not Isolated: Developing and Leading Virtual Teams

Every month we dive into what we are all so passionate about here at FMP: human capital management. The current events are influencing topics within industrial organizational psychology that are increasingly necessary to examine and discuss, such as virtual teams. Virtual teams are on the rise, especially due to organizations’ responses to the global coronavirus…