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Mission Success Bingo: Do Not Forget the “O” in Bingo!

Please join us for a little game of Organizational Success Bingo! Successful mission execution requires organizational effectiveness, which always includes efficiency. While efficiency may not be a sufficient condition for effectiveness, effectiveness is not fully realized without paying attention to efficiency. And without both of these, you cannot get to successful execution. So, simply put,…


Identifying and Developing Talent within Succession Planning

This month we’ve been talking about high potentials- identifying, developing, and keeping them. Any discussion of high potentials naturally takes the conversation to succession planning- which is the process of developing the next generation of organizational leadership. Our very own I/Oers, Dr. Marni Falcone and Mike Camburn, were featured in a webinar by the Society…


‘The Saddest Thing in Life is Wasted Talent’

This month we’re talking about talent, or more specifically high potential talent, as we focus on the truism ‘the saddest thing in life is wasted talent’. There are many sad things in life, but in the context of organizational management, wasting a resource as precious as potential talent feels particularly careless. First, let’s step back…


The Value of Competency Models

Competencies form the foundation of many human capital and talent management efforts. As such, they play a vital role in an organization’s ability to select, develop, train, assess, and retain a competitive workforce. It is vital that organizations, large and small, have thoughtfully considered their development and use. Not sure where to start? FMP Consulting…