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A Guide to Maximizing Your SIOP 2024 Virtual Experience
The Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s (SIOP) annual conference is right around the corner (April 17-20, 2024). With early registration closing on February 23rd, Industrial-Organizational (I-O) psychologists, practitioners, and students face a big decision: “Should I attend virtually or in person?” Both options have their perks; it’s hard to beat the convenience, flexibility, and…
FMP is Headed to SIOP 2022!
I am preparing to attend my first in-person professional conference in almost 3 years, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology’s (SIOP) Annual Conference. The conference is the highlight of the professional year for many I/O Psychologists, from both academia and practice. My mind reels with a mix of excitement and nervousness. My apprehension does…