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Committee Lead Spotlights

FMP is home to a multitude of employee-led groups, including committees, shared services, communities of practice, and centers of excellence. Today, we’re shining a spotlight on FMP’s committees. We sat down with the leads of 4 FMP committees (Social, Charity, Sustainability, and Work-Life) to learn more about what committee leadership has meant to each of…


FMP’s Four Questions Podcast with Carolyn Kurowski

In the next installment of our Four Questions series, Lisa Prather interviewed FMP Managing Partner Carolyn Kurowski. With a focus on Mental Health Awareness Month, Carolyn discusses how she de-stresses and stays balanced during busy seasons, life as a working parent, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the importance of mental health. Work-Life balance plays a role…


Flexible Paid Time Off: Before, During, and After COVID-19

Fall 2020 marked year four of flexible paid time off (PTO) at FMP Consulting. However, having begun my career at FMP in March 2017, I’ve never experienced anything different during my employment here. First, you may ask, ‘what is flexible PTO?’ I describe it as a type of PTO that gives employees the freedom to…


Staying Motivated and Maximizing Workplace Flexibility in the New Year

So, it’s 2021. New year, new you (or, something like that…)! A chance for fresh starts, fresh goals, and reinvigorated motivation. But, if you’re still working from home in the new year, that “fresh start” won’t look like a brand-new work outfit, greeting coworkers and sharing stories of celebrations over coffee in the kitchen, and…


Employee Spotlight: Maggie Moore

We love to feature our new employees on our blog, but it’s time we took a step back and have a conversation with one of our seasoned employees. Maggie Moore, a native Washingtonian, has had a unique journey here at FMP. She started as a full-time consultant, transitioned to a 1099 employee, and then came…


How Getting Out of the Office Could Encourage Employees to Stay Fit and Work Together

With summer right around the corner, there’s no better time to be active and get outside. At FMP Consulting, we’re always finding ways to encourage our employees to stay fit and work together as a team. Did you know we even have our own softball team (current record: 2-2)? In addition, each quarter we partner…


FMP Wins 2016 CARE Award for 7th Consecutive Year!

FMP Consulting has once again garnered a spot on the 2016 Companies as Responsive Employers (CARE) Awards. We’re excited to be named alongside such incredible organizations in Northern Virginia that are committed to offering more balanced and family-friendly work environments. Each year North Virginia Family Services (NVFS) honors organizations that exemplify comprehensive family-friendly policies. FMP…