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Quick Question: Are you actively managing your company’s culture?

As discussed in our first blog this month (“When in Rome”—Recognizing and Adapting to Organizational Culture), an organization’s culture is “a living, breathing, evolving aspect of an organization that differentiates it from other, otherwise similar organizations.” The culture of any organization is impacted by a set of intentional actions as well as the unintentional norms…


Fitting in Like a Puzzle Piece: FMP’s Culture from the Perspective of New Hires

In last week’s blog, we introduced the truism “when in Rome…”, which suggests being flexible and adapting yourself to the customs and values of the people around you. Building off of that discussion, I wanted to explore culture from the perspective of new hires- using my recent experience and that of two other new FMPers. While…


“When in Rome”- Recognizing and Adapting to Organizational Culture

This month we’re exploring the truism ‘when in Rome…’ which is generally taken to mean that you should adapt to the environment in which you find yourself, whether traveling or just in unfamiliar territory. It also implies that you should suspend typical opinions or concerns (to a point- no one would argue that it’s a…


Use of Assessment Centers: Exploring the Differences Between the US and UK

In our final blog of the month, we wrap up our examination of all things selection and assessment by looking at how these practices differ outside of our national borders. One of our newer consultants, Alexandra Flagg, returned to her grad school experiences in the UK to explore these differences for us. Imagine this scenario:…


Lean into Green – Creating an Environmentally-Friendly Corporate Culture

I received an email last week from my son’s preschool teacher informing me that Max’s classroom will be celebrating Earth Day starting on April 22ndand continuing the celebration throughout the week. The kids will have the opportunity to make fun, environmentally-conscious arts and crafts; sing songs about the Earth; enjoy a special Earth Day snack;…


SIOP 2019: Emerging Trends to Track

Many of our FMP team recently attended the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)2019 National Conference near Washington, DC and brought back some helpful information to share! This annual conferenceis focused on topics relevant to the field of I/O Psychology and provides opportunities for networking, career searching, and a robust program of presentations, panels, and workshops….


Employee Spotlight – Katey Erck

You’ve been at FMP for 2 years now- what made you excited to join FMP? Honestly, Carolyn, one of our Managing Partners, was one of the biggest reasons I was excited. She was so excited about the project I would be joining, which I knew was a big opportunity for FMP, and I wanted to…


The Cobbler’s Children Do Have Shoes! Putting our Own Selection and Assessment Expertise into Practice at FMP

For years, FMP has had a fairly rigorous approach to selecting and assessing our workforce, both for our consulting and internal hires. This would make sense- we’re a company that provides advice and expertise to our clients on these topics and we have a large contingent of Industrial Organizational (I/O) Psychologists, in addition to an…


Selecting and Assessing Employees: How to “Pick the Sharpest Tools in the Shed”

When people think of selection and assessment, they usually imagine going into a room in which a nicely-dressed business professional asks them various questions about their work experiences, with the elusive and daunting, “Tell me about yourself.” However, interviews come in many different forms. How do you know which one to select? Which one would…


Putting Your Team to the Test: Personality Based Assessments

In continuing with FMP’s March theme of analyzing what makes teams successful, we’re examining the more popular personality-based assessments project managers can use to ensure they’re building a team that is dynamic, results-oriented, and, of course, successful! FMP has experience utilizing the following personality-based assessments to recognize employee behaviors and patterns when assembling project teams….