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Why Do They Leave?

Employee Retention Motivational Factors: The Big Six Most employers know that attracting and retaining highly skilled employees is vital to their organizational success. However, some employers struggle to find the best means of keeping their employees engaged, often relying on one-time recognition awards or ad hoc communications. A kernel of truth to this state of…


An Inside Look at the Evolution of Employee Retention at FMP: A Veteran ‘FMPer’ Perspective

After reading last week’s blog and learning some of the ‘out-of-the-box’ perks that companies use to retain employees, I thought it would be interesting to look at how the perks and benefits at FMP have evolved to attract and retain employees. Specifically, I wanted to learn more about what we’ve done in the past, what we’re presently doing to retain our great workforce, and what FMP’s future plans are to retain employees for years to come. And, I…


Work Perks: Investigating Employee Incentives

What Are Work Perks? Since the economic boom in the US following WWII, employers have traditionally offered a selection of employee benefits as a form of indirect compensation. Some of these benefits are required by law (like unemployment insurance or workers compensation), while others have become so commonplace that they are often expected or assumed…


Recruitment & Retention: The Grass Isn’t Always Greener

If you could switch companies today, would you?  Constant connectivity and innovative portable technology allows us to be online all.the.time. Whether it’s looking up LinkedIn posts and comparing others’ salaries via Glassdoor or scrolling Instagram liking your cousin’s vacation to the islands while you stayed home and had to brave the Snowpocalypse (coming again 2020),…


How to Grow High Potentials

To finish off our conversations on high potentials, we wanted to cover how an organization can grow high potentials within their existing staff. Good news, there has been a recent shift with organizations spending more of their training budget on executive and supervisory level leadership, and employees are eager to learn more and develop in…


Identifying and Developing Talent within Succession Planning

This month we’ve been talking about high potentials- identifying, developing, and keeping them. Any discussion of high potentials naturally takes the conversation to succession planning- which is the process of developing the next generation of organizational leadership. Our very own I/Oers, Dr. Marni Falcone and Mike Camburn, were featured in a webinar by the Society…


Common and Best Practices in Identifying HiPos

High potential employees, often abbreviated as HiPos, are those who are in the top 3-5% of the organization workforce, perform better than their peers, exhibit the organizational values, and show potential to become successful leaders. While it makes sense for companies to find their HiPos in their high performers, not all high performers are HiPos….


‘The Saddest Thing in Life is Wasted Talent’

This month we’re talking about talent, or more specifically high potential talent, as we focus on the truism ‘the saddest thing in life is wasted talent’. There are many sad things in life, but in the context of organizational management, wasting a resource as precious as potential talent feels particularly careless. First, let’s step back…


Emotional Intelligence and the Rules of Improv

Check out how our consultants navigate everyday office occurrences using Emotional Intelligence.


Emotional Intelligence: Learned or Innate?

As explained last week in our blog, Emotional Intelligence (EI) affects performance at work and has a profound impact on many skills important for consultants to possess, specifically communication, flexibility, and teamwork. We also learned that while EI may seem to come naturally to some people, it may not come as naturally to others. This begs…