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“An Idiot with a Plan Can Beat a Genius Without a Plan”

As we shared in last week’s blog post Examining the Truth Behind Truisms, this year, we are going to do just that. We’re kicking off 2019 by examining the truism ‘an idiot with a plan can beat a genius without a plan’ and see if that’s true. As a seasoned project manager and working mom, planning…


Examining the Truth Behind Truisms

Here we go! We’re already off to the races on 2019, whether we are ready or not. As we start thinking ‘out with the old, in with the new’ and begin tossing bad habits, fashions, and questionable decisions, we wanted to give ourselves something fun, fresh, and hopeful to look forward to on these blog…


It’s a Wrap! 2018 in the Blog

It’s a Wrap! 2018 in the Blog It goes without saying, but, wow, does time fly! As we reach the end of 2018 and a month of blog content focused (appropriately) on reflection, our Social Media team wanted to take the opportunity to look back on the year we’ve had. This year marked a critical…


Tis the Season for Self-Reflection

As we’ve mentioned in the first two blog articles this month, December is a perfect time for self-reflection on your strengths, your accomplishments, and your focus areas for improvement going into the new year. For many people, this self-reflection also needs to take the form of a written self-assessment as part of your company’s performance…


Take the Fear out of Feedback

As we shared in last week’s blog “Reflection, Feedback, and Rhabit” the end of a year and the beginning of the New Year is the perfect time to take stock of your goals, accomplishments, challenges, and areas for improvement. To continue this month’s focus on feedback, we want to share some tips about how to…


Reflection, Feedback, and Rhabit!

As we finish the year and move towards the start of 2019, it seems like an appropriate time to reflect on the year’s accomplishments and, sometimes, struggles. A year can fly by so quickly that stopping to take stock can be difficult, but if we don’t make the time, then how can we expect to…


Innovative Ideas for Giving

You Can Be a Super Hero! Admit it, there’s something inside of each one of us that longs to be Peter Parker or Wonder Woman, right? I mean, really, don’t honestly tell me that never in your lifetime have you dreamt about shooting spider webs out of your wrists or using bulletproof bracelets and a magic…


Practicing Gratitude This Season

November’s blogs have focused on giving, and topics so far have ranged from corporate social responsibility to how FMP gives back through our charity team. This week we are expanding that theme to focus on methods to practice gratitude, and a summary of what we’re grateful for here at FMP. Practicing Gratitude This Season Thanksgiving is…


How We Give Back: A Look Inside FMP’s Charity Team

To start the month of November, we highlighted the importance and impact of corporate social responsibility. This week, we’d like to share more about how we, at FMP, translate some of these principles into our everyday work. FMP has a culture that values a dedication to service, both to our clients and the community. Our…


CSR as a Recruitment Tool

Sure, having a robust CSR program allows your organization to check the “good corporate citizen” box. But wait – there’s more (and, no, this isn’t an infomercial)!  Ensuring your organization has a holistic CSR program, including employee giving and volunteering opportunities, also plays a key role in recruiting and retaining top talent, especially millennials and…