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Financial Planning for Your Wellness Program

One of the largest stressors for Americans involves financial concerns. A 2014 survey conducted by Harris Poll, on behalf of the American Psychological Association, found that 72 percent of Americans reported feeling stressed about money at least some of the time during the past month, with 22 percent of respondents reporting feeling extremely stressed about…


The Business Case for Employee Wellness Programs

Across the month of March FMP’s blog posts have focused on employee wellness programs. Our first post (How Fit is Your Company’s Wellness Program?) provided a general overview of employee wellness programs, discussed what makes a successful wellness program, and provided an overview of FMP’s wellness program. Our next post (Trends in Wellness Programs) explored…


Trends in Wellness Programs

In our blog post from earlier this month, How Fit Is Your Company’s Wellness Program, we addressed the return on investment that organizations receive for investing in a wellness program. We also outlined how FMP built our own wellness program, following best practices and trends in corporate wellness. Successful programs engage leadership, align with the…


Partnering on Competency Modeling: A Recap and Way Forward

For those of you who couldn’t attend the Partnership for Public Service’s workshop on competency modeling on February 22nd, we’re happy to report that it was a packed house! Demonstrating the diverse interests government employees have about competencies, attendees spanned most Departments and included I-O psychologists, HR specialists, training specialists, and leaders within technical areas…


How Fit is Your Company’s Wellness Program?

At FMP, we take employee wellness seriously. We know that having a healthy, balanced lifestyle affects more than just your work; it affects every aspect of your life. That’s why FMP dedicates time and attention to creating a workplace that supports our employees, responds to their needs, and encourages them to bring their whole selves…


Lessons Learned from One Year of Flexible Paid Time Off

In the fall of 2016, FMP shifted to a self-managed, flexible paid time off (PTO) policy. By moving away from a fixed allocation of PTO hours, we hoped this shift would increase flexibility, boost employee engagement, help us attract and retain top talent, and reduce the administrative burden often associated with tracking and managing PTO….


FMP’s Footprint: Remote Employees Across the Country

At FMP, flexibility is one of our core values, and flexible work arrangements are one of the ways we put it into practice. With flexibility being our theme this February, we thought it was only fitting for FMP’s remote employees to talk about how their remote work arrangements fit their lives and what they’ve learned…


Competency Modeling: Planning for Workforce Success

On February 22nd, FMP Consulting is teaming up with the Partnership for Public Service to host a workshop on the effective use of competencies in the Federal Government: Competency Modeling: Planning for Workforce Success. The Partnership for Public Service in Washington, DC will be hosting the in-person event and offering a virtual option for those…


How Do You Make Remote Work Arrangements Work?

                                                        While at a conference panel discussion on Millennials in the workplace, one speaker commented that future generations will be shocked to learn of an antiquated era when…


Getting Conscious about Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias has been a hot topic in recent years. There are many terms that are used to describe the phenomenon, such as implicit attitudes, implicit bias, subtle bias, and nonconscious bias. No matter what term you use, the goal is to understand peoples’ biased behaviors to help improve how individuals interact and collaborate. If…