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Mental Health Awareness Month Spotlight: Dr. Crosby

This May, FMP is recognizing Mental Health Month, a month dedicated to promoting awareness, offering resources and education, and advocating for mental health and well-being. FMP values providing education and support for our employees’ mental health. FMP was excited to invite Dr. Crosby, Clinical Psychologist and Founder of mental health center Affirmative Spaces, to speak…


SIOP 2024 Reflections

A wonderful group of FMPers attended the 2024 SIOP (Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology) conference in Chicago. This annual conference brings together I-O psychologists from all around the world to share new research findings, discuss practical applications, and connect with each other. Our FMP attendees are excited to share their experiences and reflections on…


Biking to Work – How?

How Do I Bike To Work? Last week I shared why commuting by biking, walking, or taking other micromobility vehicles (e.g., scooters) to work is a good idea for your physical health, mental health, and for the environment. This week I will share some of the tips and tricks I have learned that help to…


Biking to Work – Why Do It? 

Why Should You Bike, Walk, or Scooter to Work?  In recent years many people experienced what life without a commute looked and felt like at some time. While this newfound flexibility has persisted for some, many working Americans now find themselves commuting, at least a few times a week, to offices and meetings. There is…


Employee Spotlight: Reflections on a Week at SIOP as an FMP Consultant

Ever wonder what a first-year consultant gets up to at SIOP? Read on to see how FMP Consultant Caitlin Briggs spent her SIOP in Chicago this year. Questions How long have you been working as a consultant, and how long have you worked at FMP Consulting? Prior to FMP, I periodically worked as a freelance…


Employee Spotlight: Samantha England

Today, we have the opportunity to get to know Samantha England, a Consultant II at FMP. Samantha is from Monmouth County, New Jersey and earned her Ph.D in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from the University of Oklahoma. Read on to learn more about Samantha! Tell us about your professional/educational background: I am a trained Industrial-Organizational Psychologist –…


Eid Mubarak

As we reach the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan (March 11 – April 9, 2024), we wanted to explore the meaning and significance of this month, and share ways that employers and coworkers can support their Muslim colleagues in the workplace. FMP Consultant Shahnaz Uddin shared her personal perspective on experiencing Ramadan…


FMP’s New Employee Ambassador Program

Starting a new job is a huge transition and can be accompanied by a range of emotions and experiences. You’re required to reorient yourself to new ways of working, meet new people, and learn how to navigate a new organization—all of which can make onboarding seem like a herculean task. When you are required to…


BIOP 2024: Highlights and Key Takeaways

February 22, 2024, marked the inaugural Blacks in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (BIOP) conference. Over 100 professionals, academics, and students converged in Atlanta, Georgia to celebrate and uplift the voices and experiences of people of color in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (I-O). The conference featured engaging discussions on topics such as mitigating…


Selecting for the Stars: Improving Accessibility in our Selection System

The interview process can be incredibly difficult and overwhelming. This is especially true for neurodivergent individuals and individuals with disabilities who may face additional barriers and challenges in the conventional interview format. According to some estimates, 30-40% of neurodivergent adults are unemployed or underemployed9. Neurodivergent candidates may struggle with understanding social cues, interpreting nonverbal communication,…