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FMP Consulting offers training courses to support your organization’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) goals

Is your organization looking to create a workplace culture that is inclusive on the forefront and equitable for all employees. Organizations can take a variety of steps to meet these goals, including offering DE&I training. DE&I training is important because it supports: Development of Transferable Skills: Employees can apply skills gained in training to tasks and teams…


Why and How to Shift the Focus to Learning and Development

Later this month is Digital Learning Day, a day organized by All4Ed to celebrate educators around the world who use digital technology to create robust, authentic, and personalized learning opportunities. While Digital Learning Day is mostly celebrated by teachers and students, this day is just as impactful for organizations who have invested in technology to…


Nothing Personal: Leveraging Personalities in a Corporate Environment

“[Harvard] is predicated on extraversion. Your grades and social status depend on it. It’s just the norm here.”1 In 2012, New York Times Bestseller author Susan Cain wrote a book called Quiet – the product of a 7-year-long study on the overwhelming bias towards individuals exhibiting extrovert tendencies in some of the most elite corners…


Six Tips to Create Accessible Virtual Training

This month FMP proudly celebrates the 31st anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This landmark civil rights law works to ensure all people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else, including employment and work-related opportunities. Did you know, according to the 2019 American Community Survey, there are an estimated…


Blog Spotlight: Caren Young

Caren Young is the founder and president of The Professional Adult, a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) consulting firm, based out of Chicago, Illinois. Caren has been working with FMP over the past few months to evaluate our DE&I efforts, identify gaps, and provide recommendations for success. We recently sat down with Caren to discuss…


Moving from Mentorship to Sponsorship: Securing New Seats at the Table

Though the terms mentor and sponsor are commonly used interchangeably, there are clear differences between the two. Almost anyone can be a mentor, but only those with access to positions of power and leadership, and the ability to improve the visibility of those they sponsor, can serve as sponsors. Mentorship can be looked at as…


Promoting Diversity and Inclusion Through Conversation

2020 has added momentum to the Diversity and Inclusion movement and increased the need for safe spaces where team members can develop authentic connections and share what they are experiencing both in their work and personal lives.  While many companies are investing in Diversity and Inclusion trainings, they may be overlooking a simple yet effective…


Diversifying Mentorship: Research & Best Practices

Now more than ever, organizations are seeking to find ways to become allies and act out against racial injustice. In reaction to the current events that have brought attention to racial injustices that exist in our society today, we now have to dig deeper to create a workplace culture that is not only inclusive on the forefront but equitable for all employees. It is no longer…


It’s Time to Move from Dialogue to Action: Honoring Organizational Commitments to Diversity and Inclusion

In the recent weeks following the tragic murders of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and George Floyd, countless thought pieces and articles have been published highlighting the issues of racial injustice and inequality in our country today. This tragedy has forced a greater dialogue within our communities about the everyday occurrences of microaggressions, biases, and discrimination…


A Commitment to Justice and Learning

George Floyd’s death on May 25, 2020 has sparked a nationwide outcry against police brutality and the racist systems of oppression and control against communities of color in the United States. We at FMP view it as our moral and ethical responsibility to stand in solidarity with these communities and to put our words, actions,…