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Eight Strategies for Facilitating Effective Virtual Meetings
With the sudden shift to remote work last March, virtual meetings have become the new way of doing business. Idle chit chat on the way to a meeting, sitting side-by-side around a large conference room table, and physically whiteboarding during in-person brainstorming sessions have been replaced by countless hours in front of a computer screen….
Collaboration Tools We Love
Working during the pandemic has brought significant changes to the workforce. Teams abruptly shifted from physical to digital workspaces. Many of us transitioned from working in the same office as our colleagues to working from home with team members scattered across the country. Although the need to collaborate remained, it has become infinitely more complicated. Gone, for now, are the days of stopping by a coworker’s desk to get their feedback…
Using Technology to Build a Learning Ecosystem
Never has there been a more exciting time in the field of talent development. New inroads in neuroscience, combined with rapidly advancing technology, have made it possible to develop the modern workforce more quickly and effectively. Organizations are able to tailor learning and development to individual needs, mimic real work more closely, and show leaders…
How To Make Your Next Virtual Meeting More Inclusive
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the historic signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This piece of legislation helped increase access and opportunities for millions of people with disabilities in our nation’s workforce. To celebrate this historic achievement in equality, and to kick-off National Disability Employment Awareness Month, let’s also reflect on…
Technology Trends in Human Capital: How A.I. is Changing Recruitment
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has become a major tool leveraged in the human capital space to help organizations develop solutions and achieve goals in the workplace. As A.I. has become an increasingly more powerful and widely used tool, we wanted to take a closer look at how it has been used to pave the way towards…
Effective Communication with Remote Teams During COVID-19
This blog post is most likely one of hundreds of pieces of communication that you have consumed this week, along with myriad meetings, emails, phone calls, texts, chat messages, and other forms of communication. In this remote work environment in which we find ourselves, there seems to be an ongoing struggle of trying to stay…
Guidance for Making Evidence-based Organizational Decisions
The Scientific Method & Decision-Making In Part 1 of our organizational decisions blog, we introduced you to the emergence and importance of evidenced-based decision making in organizations and the world of business. Now we’ll guide you through the best practice process for planning and conducting data analysis for decision-making and provide examples for applying these…
Introduction to Evidence-based Organizational Decisions
Every month we explore the various tools and technologies that impact individuals and organizations. Collecting and using organizational data to make effective decisions is critical for successful operations and is an increasingly required skillset for leaders. While business intelligence tools and applications provide support for this capability, without the ability to understand and properly analyze…
The Human Aspects of Technology Change
Every month we explore the various tools and technologies that impact employees and organizations. Organizations can invest in the most cutting-edge technology, but if employees aren’t ready to accept these new tools and related changes in process, the investment is unlikely to pay off! Tools and technology are unique in their ability to inspire resistance….
Artificial Intelligence in the Intelligence Community
Every month we explore the various tools and technologies that impact individuals and organizations. This month we are taking a closer look at Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), which will have a profound impact on the future of the U.S. Intelligence Community (IC). I was fortunate enough to attend the most recent Kalaris Intelligence Conference (“the conference”)…