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A Culture of Learning at FMP

Each month of 2020, we provide insight into what life is like as a consultant by discussing what skills and experiences make this career unique and interesting. At FMP, our learning philosophy is focused on employee goal setting and development, open feedback, collaboration and cooperation, and proactive knowledge sharing. This is not only a reflection…


6 Ways to Keep Employees Engaged and Connected During COVID-19

Every month at FMP, we share our thoughts on the latest workplace trends and explore the effects they have on employees. This month we’re shining a spotlight on employee engagement. In response to the global coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, many organizations have had to transition to a fully remote work environment to sustain business operations and…


Tried and True Strategies for Building a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Building on our monthly truism “Great Minds Don’t Always Think Alike,” this week we delve into the “How” of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) to examine how organizations can move the needle on both workforce diversity and workplace inclusivity.  While there is no one-size fits all approach, there are some tried and true strategies organizations can use…


Quick Question: Are you actively managing your company’s culture?

As discussed in our first blog this month (“When in Rome”—Recognizing and Adapting to Organizational Culture), an organization’s culture is “a living, breathing, evolving aspect of an organization that differentiates it from other, otherwise similar organizations.” The culture of any organization is impacted by a set of intentional actions as well as the unintentional norms…


“When in Rome”- Recognizing and Adapting to Organizational Culture

This month we’re exploring the truism ‘when in Rome…’ which is generally taken to mean that you should adapt to the environment in which you find yourself, whether traveling or just in unfamiliar territory. It also implies that you should suspend typical opinions or concerns (to a point- no one would argue that it’s a…