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Creating the Space for Creativity

Imagine someone you consider to be a ‘creative type’. What comes to mind? Is it an artist in a studio painting on an easel into the early hours of the morning? Is it an author sitting in a coffee shop writing the next biggest piece of fan fiction? Maybe you think of the whole ‘left…


How to Prioritize During Disruption

This month on the blog, we are talking about disruption in the workplace, which can be both a positive and negative for employee productivity. Harvard Business School professor, Clayton Christensen, says disruption creates something new and more efficient after displacing an existing industry or technology.1So, how can disruption be both a positive and a negative?…


Design for All: Building Easy-to-Use Tools and Applications for Everyone

Last month on this blog, the FMP team focused on the change management process and how being strategic during change has significant benefits to organizations. Often the IT work we do at FMP has a significant change management component – we are either modifying a tool, creating a new tool, or creating dashboards to inform…


HRIT Assessments: Untangling a Complex Web

This month we’re focusing on information sharing and technology solutions and in this blog, we’ll take a closer look at a popular initiative taking place across the Federal Government: Human Resources Information Technology (HRIT) Assessments. Many agencies find themselves at an important crossroads when it comes to their HRIT solutions. Over the past nearly 15 years,…


Following up on FEVS: Saving Time and Money while Facilitating Decision-Making through Dashboards

Last April, we introduced and explored a number of Federal Employee Viewpoint (FEVS)-related topics, including Preparing for the Survey, Navigating Results, and Action Planning. As we begin a month’s worth of posts focusing on reporting and dissemination of information, we wanted to revisit FEVS from a new perspective. Anyone who has worked on a survey…


Change Management – More Than Words

In this post on change management and the President’s Management Agenda, I want to focus on the role that leaders play in bringing about important change. I am thinking of leaders broadly, including both the heads of agencies, as well as the supervisors of branches and divisions. I’m talking to anyone who is in some…


Change Management and the President’s Management Agenda (PMA)

In FMP’s most recent blog post, “Change Management-Getting Down to Basics,” our authors identified what change management is, why it is so hard, and why it is so important. FMPer, Lauren Wright, having spent 32 years in the Federal government and the last 18 years in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), has seen…


Relax, Refresh, Recharge-In a Great Pair of Shades

Wow, 2018 has been a busy year and June launched a stealth attack that seemed to come out of nowhere! As we quickly pivot from one school year to the next, celebrate graduations, or just adjust to longer days and more sunlight, we thought it might be a good time to take a breath, reflect…


Change Management – Getting Down to Basics

June has always been a month of change. School’s out and the kids are home. We’re trading in our umbrellas and rainboots for sandals and sunglasses. And, did you know that the moonstone (one of June’s three birthstones) actually represents change and new beginnings? So, what better way to kick off June than to talk…


Meetings, Emails, Phone Calls: Lather, Rinse, Repeat

In our blog ‘The Power of Collaborative Networks: Social Network Science’, we provided a brief overview of social network science and Organizational Network Analysis (ONA), a methodology for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing patterns of collaboration, information-sharing, knowledge transfer, and productivity within an organization. Through understanding an organization’s informal or invisible structure – outside of position…